What To Expect
Your First Visit
Your first visit is your consultation and examination, which lasts approximately 45 minutes. When you first arrive you will be welcomed by a member of our team and be given a short health questionnaire to fill out.
After that the chiropractor will sit down with you and listen to everything you have to say about the reason for your visit. They will ask relevant questions about your past and present health, and discuss with you your personal health goals.
Then the chiropractic will examine you to test your joints, muscles and nerves in a variety of different ways to identify where your body is doing well and where it is not doing so well. Once the chiropractor feels they have all the information they need, they will take you through to the reception team so you can book in your second visit when we can explain everything to you.
Your Second Visit
Your second visit is your Report of Findings and will last approximately 45 minutes. Your chiropractor will go through the results of your examination and explain what is causing your problem. They will explain how chiropractic care can help you, how many sessions they expect it to take, and the cost of those sessions.
By this point most people feel they have all the information they need to make the decision to start care and so we have ensured there will be time for you to start your recommended treatment plan immediately, should you choose to do so.
Find out more about Our Approach and Our Techniques - or call us on 07495 925 160 for more details or to book in for a consultation.